Karen Dobbyn


Karen Dobbyn


Before joining the IICMP Karen had over 20 years of clinical practice experience as a Senior & Chief Cardiac Physiologist with a special interest in the areas of cardiac device therapy, clinical education, continuous professional development and professional growth. During that time Karen represented Cardiac Physiologists on FORSA’s inaugural vocational group, was an active member of the IICMP Cardiac Executive and represented Cardiology on the Board of the IICMP

Professional Qualifications:


  • Level 9 Professional Diploma in Executive Coaching from UCC
  • BSc (Hons) Clinical Measurement Science from TUD
  • Professional Diploma in Supervisory Management from IMI
  • International Board of Heart Rhythm Examiners
  • MPPM

Through her role with the IICMP Karen represents the IICMP at a national level proactively advocating for Clinical Measurement Physiologists. She currently sits on the national HSCP Professional Development Network, a position she has held since 2017. Karen was also part of the working group that developed the HSE’s Health & Social Care Professions Education and Development Strategy 2016-2019.

Recently Karen played a significant role in the development of the MSc in Clinical Measurement Physiology, ATU and co-authored the Professional Practice modules on that program.

Professional Body Memberships:


  • Irish Institute of Clinical Measurement Physiology
  • Psychological Society of Ireland
  • European Mentoring & Coaching Council

Karen is a qualified and experienced Leadership Development Coach with a verticle development approach. She has coached both individuals and teams and has led organisational development and change initiatives.

Karen has served as a Trustee and chair of a children’s charity that employs a team of 25 staff and caters for 180 children on a daily basis. She is also actively involved in many community groups, such as the LGFA and the GAA.

Karen enjoys spending time in or by the sea and practices yoga, meditation and mindfulness. She is a keen reader and a lifelong learner.